Friday, May 25, 2012


眼睛終於不用再看書,整整兩個星期都沒有好覺可以睡,痘痘,黑圓圈全部走出來了,皮膚更越來越糟糕!最讓我睡眠不足的全都是第二個禮拜的考試,什麼PHYSICS , CHEMISTRY , ADDITIONAL MATHEMATIC , AKAUN全都放在同一天,看得出根華老師有夠聰明的。看表面我們只考這五科,考卷卻是一科就要考三張,加起來已經12張了,什麼PAPER3,很顯明是在折磨我們嘛!

想到每天晚上溫習都溫到很晚,都覺得恐怖。有一天,媽咪還陪我陪到她自己在沙發上睡著了。因為妹妹上了一年級之後就和我同一間房了,她每天晚上都要早早睡,不然隔天早上賴床不會醒。就是這個原因害我不可以在自己房裡溫習,就只好在客廳溫習了。但客廳爹地媽咪看電視,很人·吵,又搬去廚房。媽咪知道其實我怕一個人在外面一個人,她就跟我說一聲:“媽咪去幫爹地按摩一下,等下再出來陪你啊” 。我也知道爹地從camp跟大伯回來後,腰痛到走路都像個老人家,但他跟我說出夜街的時候是不痛的,炸到!-.-

在我溫習溫到一半的時候,不知哪來的聲音,因為是突然間響起的,覺得有點恐怖,我一直在找。不知媽咪幾時已經出來在客廳聽Hitz.fm的我,發現原來是媽咪太累還走出來陪我陪到自己睡著在沙發上打呼打到那麼大聲都沒有發覺到。想回媽咪的樣子都覺得好好笑好可愛!我好愛你哦媽咪!陪我到那麼晚,THANKS YOU MUMMY ! I L❤VE YOU ! 那天溫習的是SEJARAH,幸好我沒有和媽咪一起睡著去 ;p

放假了,我終於可以睡到飽,不用再碰到書,不用去補習!我愛自由!YEAH ! 不知媽咪爹地會帶我們去哪裡玩,最好是去LABUAN啦,補回上一次沒有去到的。不想再去亞比了,今年年頭都不知去了多少次了,每次都在引誘我買衣服!xD 我衣櫃真的快要塞爆了啦!嗚!


Saturday, May 19, 2012

Saturday Night_Pizza .

Imma eating pizza with my both of babe babe ❤
 While waiting fel ❤
 Imma don't know who she smile with :p
Mybe is saw she is coming xP

imma arrive imma sweet bedroom ;p

Imma have encountered the same thing :'(
He born on february15 .
How come like this r ? How come it happened on me r ?
But do not cry laa , look  like a kid only . 
Just almost same with ...

Happy Mummy Day !

I know , it is too late to give mummy the present and said " happy mother's day " to mummy , but time we at kk that day is mother's day and brother with me already bought a high-heel that mummy keep tryed for her mother's day present , ehehe . I know the high-heel is she wanna wear to clubbing , because the high-heel is full of bling :p You know how much the price of the high-heel ? it rm129.90 ! awww ! But we did hesitate at all :p
In fact , did not bought that pair of hight-heel before , I already order a phone cover to my pretty mummy for her mother's day . Damn is , its too late I receive it - 19/5 . But mummy does not mind , she is happy to receive the phone cover , even it is just a simple cover :D
I   L❤VE   YOU  ,   MUMMY   !

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Exam is coming on next monday , I still enjoy with family going down to kk . In my mind , I always remind myself that I don't want be a loser , so I keep growing up and moving up myself . Never let those gab cousin talk about me , despise me , make family disgrace . But my bad habit make it screwing up sometime . Nevermind . One day , I will make it on the way I wish . Once I success , I will giving all the happiness to my Family . I'll never leave them alone . NEVER .
IGNORE my ugly face .
Going back home now , 
 my lil'sist sweet dream on my heart :P